Jan 29 2014

The Quiet

By |2014-01-29T09:42:42+00:00January 29th, 2014|Uncategorized|8 Comments

Long, long ago, in a land far away (or so it seems now), Josh and I were dating.  We were eating at our favorite restaurant—the one with tiny tables, checkered tablecloths, low lights and a fellow in the corner strumming his guitar.  We were making the usual googly-eyes at each other when I noticed a couple a few tables away.  They were older, probably in their sixties, and all the time [...]

Jan 21 2014

The Aftermath

By |2014-01-21T10:30:54+00:00January 21st, 2014|Uncategorized|3 Comments

The surgery went well.  So well.  It was fast and smooth and confirmed that we had done the right thing for our little girl. And Hattie was happy. She woke up from the anesthesia happy. She cuddled in our arms afterwards happy. When they gave her juice and pudding and a movie, she was I-never-want-to-leave-the-hospital happy. I was so thankful. Once again, God had been so good to us. I [...]

Jan 7 2014

Blueberries and Book Giveaways

By |2014-01-07T13:30:11+00:00January 7th, 2014|Uncategorized|30 Comments

A few years ago- pre-children- I was eating breakfast by myself. (That was way back in the days when doing something alone was a normal, everyday thing. Oh my goodness, how I took that for granted!)  I was gazing at my cereal box with its “enlarged to show detail” generic mini-wheats dolloped with tasty blueberries when I thought to myself, “It would be nice to have blueberries on my cereal.”  [...]

Dec 17 2013

The Manger, the Cross and Your Teeth

By |2013-12-17T09:07:26+00:00December 17th, 2013|Uncategorized|4 Comments

So our family devotion times have been pretty hit and miss. Not in consistency. We’ve been consistent. But success has been considerably harder to measure. One night the girls will impress us with what they retained from the evening before: “Immanuel means ‘God with us!’” The next night Hattie interrupts the prophecy in Isaiah with this question: “Why do your teeth stay in your mouth?” Since it just so happened [...]

Nov 23 2013

Books, Tears and Pete the Cat

By |2013-11-23T00:13:29+00:00November 23rd, 2013|Uncategorized|10 Comments

I cried in Barnes and Noble the other night. I stood there in the children’s section surrounded by Pete’s New Shoes, crayons revolting (The Day the Crayons Quit- a terribly clever book. Check it out!) and about a bazillion Berenstain Bears books and cried. Now, I don’t normally cry in retail stores, but that night was different. I was holding in my hands yet another example of God’s incredible goodness to me. It [...]

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