Oftentimes I write this blog at my favorite coffee shop. I seem to get inspired there, for some reason. Maybe it’s the white chocolate mocha that I pay entirely too much for or all the bouncy college girls in their leggings and messy-on-purpose hair that make me feel sort of almost halfway slightly bouncy (though I can’t pull off the messy hair. And the leggings… just no.)
But today I chose to write from home. Because today, spoiler alert, I’m writing about God’s faithfulness. I can’t not write about it. Sorry.
I wanted to be at home as I wrote today. I wanted to be in front of my fireplace on my couch looking out at land and cows and trees and sipping a not nearly as good cup of coffee because, dear readers and friends, God is faithful.
Yup. The stockings are still hung by the chimney with care. Don’t be hatin.’
We prayed and we prayed and we probably got on peoples’ nerves because we prayed some more, and God answered us with a yes. He did not have to. We would have chosen to trust him even if he had
Since moving here, he has acquired a bushy beard, a gun, an ax, and a splitting maul. He shall henceforth be called “LumberJosh.”
said no because we know he is good, but he didn’t.
And here we are. In our farmhouse. Settled and thankful.
It’s not perfect, nor is it fancy. We have mice in the pantry and a weird sewage smell seeping from underneath one of the toilets and it’s cold in the mornings because Lumberjack Josh likes to pretend we don’t have central heat and let the fires burn down at night, but we are happy here. We are home.
Because God is faithful.
I’ve been reading about George Muller lately. If you haven’t read his life story, you should.
He was an average guy who believed big things about God.
In the mid 1800’s he founded five orphanages in Great Britain that housed around 2,000 children at their peak. The unusual thing about Muller was his deep conviction to never ask anyone for money to support his ministries. So without ever asking a soul for a donation, or sending out support letters, or holding fundraisers, and despite taking great pains to avoid advertising the financial needs of the orphanages, Muller received what would now equate to millions of dollars through donations for the operation of his orphan homes.
He prayed.
A lot.
And he believed God would provide.
Without fail.
And God did.
Without fail.
Friends, God doesn’t change.
Not ever. He still provides. He still answers prayer.
Without fail.
It feels a little scandalous to type such things. Like I’m espousing a God who is a vending machine. Put in your prayers and out pops your Porsche.
There is a caveat, and it’s an important one. God is a good daddy, ready and willing to provide more than all we could ask or imagine, but what we are asking God for must be asked according to his will.
If I’m praying for that Porsche or bestselling books or more readers on this blog because I want everyone to think I’m fabulous or that I look good in leggings or that I never have mouse poop in my pantry, then I am probably guaranteed a swift and loving “no.”
But if we do the hard thing and if we desire God’s glory and the promotion of his name above ours, then when we pray, we will pray according to his will and we will receive what we have asked for. Because it brings God glory.
And God being glorified is always the best thing for us too.
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him” (1 John 5:14-15, italics mine).
Muller’s mission was to prove that God was faithful to answer prayers.
And he is—when we are faithful to pray prayers that beg God to be glorified above all else.
It’s a fresh year ahead, and I’m praying big prayers. Maybe you are too.
So don’t be afraid. Pray big. Pray specific. Pray to desire his glory above your own. Pray for Jesus to be magnified in your life. I will too.
And let’s watch God be faithful together.
So tell me: What you will you pray for this year? I’d love to pray for it with you.
As always, you remind me of the simple truths of my faith. The simple truth is God wants me to pray, to pour out my heart. Even better, He wants to answer me. All I have to do is ask for His will in whatever I am concerned for and be willing to accept His answer…. Being confident in Him rather than my ability to pray the right prayer.
Thanks Hannah!
Thank you, Susie. I always need to be reminded too. It’s amazing how quickly I can forget the simple stuff!
Oh, let’s pray over this writing career of mine and maybe a new-old house for my bursting at the seams family who just wants to have more people over for Friday night pizza 🙂
Done and Done. 🙂 Thanks for reading, Lindsey dear.
I love this, thank you for posting!
Sometimes I wish God sent us a specific list of things that was in His will for our lives, so we could pray accordingly. But then where would our faith be if we knew what was in store for us?
I agree. It would seem to make things easier, wouldn’t it? If I didn’t believe that he was a good father who wanted to give us good gifts, then his methods would probably drive me nuts. He’s always up to something though. Something good. 🙂
I just love this little reminder! Keep up the good writing…whatever the Lord lays on your heart. 🙂 I know there are many who read it and few who respond, but it touches us all right at the perfect moment. Congrats on your new farmhouse! And all the fun ‘guy things’ for your Lumberman. 🙂
Thanks, Danae. I appreciate your encouragement. I means a lot. 🙂
Hi, Hannah! I feel like I know you a little bit through Sally, who likes to share what you’re up to from time to time (on facebook). Just wanted to thank you for this blog post. It’s such a blessing to be able to use prayer for our needs, but so often we forget that important part about praying for His will, not ours. Thanks for the reminder, and congratulations on the success of your board book series!
Thank you so much, Debra! And thanks for stopping by. Any friend of Sally’s is most certainly a friend of mine. She’s one of my favorites. 🙂